Thursday 20 September 2012

Illustrator Tutorial

Illustrator Tutorial

 In the illustrator tutorial we created a small monster using shapes. The main tool we used was the gradient. We first made a perfect circle with shift+drag whilst using the ellipse tool. Then put a gradient in it to make it look like the white of an eye. Next we copied that and pasted it directly on top using ctrl+f then used shift+alt+drag to re-size it perfectly centered to make a pupil in which we applied a different gradient. After doing this a few times we added a reflection to the eye using white circles and opacity. Next we copied the first piece of the eye that we did again but this time we used ctrl+b to place it behind, once again applying a gradient. To create the body of the monster we used the rounded rectangle tool and and press the right arrow key to make it even more rounded. We then cut the bottom of it off using pathfinder and another rectangle.  Next we used the same technique to create a mouth. We added teeth and a tongue using random shapes. Then copying and pasting the mouth over the top of where the teeth and tongue were going to be helped us to create a clipping mask so there were no overlapping shapes. Finally we made a circle and dragged out one side of it so it made a spike and then made this an artistic brush so that we could paint in some hair.

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