Wednesday 19 September 2012

Photoshop tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial

In graphics we went through a tutorial in order to teach new people the basics of the program. Firstly we had to choose a picture of an artist/movie star/musician to use on the piece of work we would be creating. I chose this:

We used the magic wand/lasso/magnetic polygon tool in order to cut the picture away from its original background. I then used the rubber tool to get any areas that had been missed due to the limiting factors of the polygon tool. Next we got a texture from the internet and put our cut out person onto it with copy+paste. After doing this we created 3 more of the original using either ctrl+j, alt+drag, or simply right click and duplicate on the layers palette. We then applied layer blending options with the drop down menu on the layers palette, things such as overlay. We also applied feathers, art styles and threshold as well as playing around with levels.

The end of the tutorial netted this:

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